Argentine Osage Orange

Argentine Osage Orange (Macluria Tinctoria)


Common names: Old Fustic, Dyer’s mulberry


Distribution : West Indies, Central and South America.


Color/appearance : Heartwood is basically brown and yellow. Odour indistinct or absent. Sapwood white to yellowish; heartwood bright yellow when fresh, upon exposure changing to brown or russet.


Janka hardness: 2380 lbf


Density: 4.73 lbf


Shrinkage: 1

Radial (thickness): 3.4%

Tangential (width):5.4%,

Volumetric (total): 7.8%,

T/R Ratio (width to depth): 1.6


Allergies/Toxicity: 1 Sap has been reported to cause dermatitis.


Sustainability:CITES: No, IUCN: No


Common Uses: Fence posts, dye, archery bows,musical instruments, turnings, and other small specialty wood items.


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