Sassafras (Sassafras albidum)
Common names: Sassafras, Laurier des Iroquois
Distribution : Eastern North America
Color/appearance : Heartwood is a medium to light brown, sometimes with an orange or olive hue. Color tends to darken with age. Sapwood is a paler yellowish brown, though it isn’t always clearly demarcated from the heartwood. Overall, Sassafras bears a strong resemblance to ash (Fraxinus spp.) and chestnut (Castanea spp.).
Janka hardness: 630 lbf
Density: 2.58 lbf
Shrinkage: 1
Radial (thickness): 4.0%
Tangential (width): 6.2%,
Volumetric (total): 10.3%,
T/R Ratio (width to depth): 1.6
Allergies/Toxicity: 1 Although severe reactions are quite uncommon, Sassafras has been reported as a sensitizer. Usually most common reactions include nausea and respiratory effects. Oil extracted from the roots and wood of Sassafras has been shown to be toxic and weakly carcinogenic if ingested.
Sustainability: CITES: No, IUCN: No
Common Uses: Utility lumber, fence posts, boat-building, and furniture.