Sucupira (Bowdichia nitida, Bowdichia virgilioides, Diplotropis purpurea and Diplotropis racemosa)
Common Names: Sucupira, Black Sucupira, Sacupira Preta, Sacupira Amarela, Sapupira, Coeur dehors, Acapa, Alcornoque, Armoteak, Aramatia, Aramatta, Botonallare, Peonia, Tatabu and Zwarte Kabbes
Distribution: Sucupira is native to South America, primarily in Brazil and Venezuela, but is also found in Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana.
Color/Appearance: Heartwood is a dull brown to reddish brown tone with parenchyma stripes and clearly demarcated white sapwood.
Janka Hardness: 3,417 lbf
Density: 4.83 lb/b.f.
Shrinkage: 1
Radial (thickness): 5.3%
Tangential (width): 8.1%,
Volumetric (total): 14.2%,
T/R Ratio (width to depth): 1.5
Allergies/Toxicity: 1 Sucupira has been reported as a respiratory irritant.
Controlled species: CITES: no, IUCN: no
Common Uses: Suggested uses include flooring, boatbuilding, furniture, turnery, tool handles and decorative veneer.