
Vavona (Sequoia sempervirens)


Common Names: Vavona (burl)


Distribution: Coastal Northwestern United States (from Southwestern Oregon to Central California)


Color/Appearance: Heartwood color can range from light pinkish brown to deep reddish brown. Sapwood is a pale white/yellow. Curly figure or Redwood burl (sometimes referred to as “lace” or by the name Vavona)


Janka Hardness: 450 lbf


Density: 2.17/b.f.


Shrinkage 1:

Radial (thickness): 2.7%

Tangential (width): 4.7%,

Volumetric (total): 6.9%,

T/R Ratio (width to depth): 2.0


Allergies/Toxicity:  1 Most common reactions simply include eye, skin and respiratory irritation, as well as asthma-like symptoms.


Sustainability (listed):


IUCN:  YES; Vulnerable 1


Common Uses: Burls and other forms of figured Redwood are also used in turning, musical instruments and other small specialty items.


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