Black Poplar (Populus nigra)
Common Names: Black Poplar, Lombardy Poplar, Mappa burl
Distribution: Europe, Western Asia, Northern Africa; planted as an ornamental in North America
Color/Appearance: Heartwood tends to be a light brown. Sapwood is a pale yellow to nearly white and isn’t clearly demarcated, tending to gradually blend into the heartwood. This species also yields a unique burl that is commonly sold as Mappa or Mapa.
Janka Hardness: 460 lbf
Density: 2.00 lb/b.f.
Shrinkage 1:
Radial (thickness): 4.0%
Tangential (width): 9.3%,
Volumetric (total): 12.3%,
T/R Ratio (width to depth): 2.3
Allergies/Toxicity: 1 Besides the standard health risks associated with any type of wood dust, no further health reactions have been associated with Black Poplar.
Sustainability (listed):
Common Uses: Utility lumber, furniture carcasses, boxes and crates, plywood and laminated construction lumber. Burls are used for drum shells, fine furniture, veneer and inlays.