Osage Orange
Osage Orange (Maclura pomifera)
Common names: Horse Apple, Hedge Apple, Bois d’arc
Distribution : South-central United States
Color/appearance : Heartwood is golden to bright yellow, which inevitably ages to a darker medium brown with time.
Janka hardness: 2620 lbf
Density: 4.5 lbf
Shrinkage: 1
Radial (thickness): 3.8%
Tangential (width): 5.6%,
Volumetric (total): 9.2%,
T/R Ratio (width to depth): 1.5
Allergies/Toxicity: 1 Sap has been reported to cause dermatitis.
Sustainability: CITES: no IUCN: no
Common Uses: Fence posts, dye, archery bows,musical instruments, turnings, and other small specialty wood items.