Wood planks for DIY and renovation

Over 150 varieties of exotic and domestic wood planks to for DIY and renovation are available in assorted dimensions from 1 to 4 inches thick.

Planks for shelving

Over 150 varieties of exotic and domestic wood planks  for cabinet making are available in assorted dimensions from 1 to 3 inches thick (typical shelves utilizes 1, 1.5 and 2 inch planks) with lengths up to 12 feet and widths up to 12 inches. These wood planks are available in either unplanned or planed format.

Planks for fireplace mantles

Over 150 varieties of exotic and domestic wood planks for making fireplace mantles are available in assorted dimensions from 1 to 6 inches thick (typical mantle utilizes 2, 3, 6 inch planks) with lengths up to 12 feet and widths up to 12 inches. These wood planks are available in either unplanned or planed and in dimensioned or live edge format.

Wood for epoxy projects

Over 150 varieties of exotic and domestic wood planks for epoxy projects are available in assorted dimensions from 1 to 3 inches thick (typical project utilizes 2, 3, 6 inch planks) with lengths up to 12 feet and widths up to 12 inches. These wood planks are available in either unplanned or planed and in dimensioned or live edge format.

Wood for wood turning projects

Over 150 varieties of exotic and domestic wood blocks for wood turning are available in assorted dimensions from 1 to 4 inches thick (typical wood turning projects utilize 1, 2, 3 and 4 inch planks) with lengths up to 12 feet and widths up to 12 inches. These wood blocks are available in either unplanned or planed format. Precut blocks for bowls, pens, and general turning up to 36 inches long are available.

Wood for marquetry projects

Over 50 varieties of exotic and domestic wood veneer to for marquetry is available in assorted dimensions. These veneers are available with or without backing.

Wood for paneling and wainscoting

Over 150 varieties of exotic and domestic wood planks to for paneling and wainscoting are available in assorted dimensions (typical wainscoting and paneling projects utilizes ½ and 1/4 inch planks) with lengths up to 12 feet and widths up to 12 inches. These wood planks are available in either unplanned or planed format.

Wood for stringers, steps and risers

Over 150 varieties of exotic and domestic wood planks for making stringers, steps and risers are available in assorted dimensions from 1 to 3 inches thick (typical steps projects utilize 1 1/4 inch planks) with lengths up to 12 feet and widths up to 12 inches. These wood planks are available in either unplanned or planed format.

Wood for hand rails and guard rails

Over 150 varieties of exotic and domestic wood planks for hand rails and guard rails are available in assorted dimensions from 1 to 3 inches thick (typical hand rails and guard rails projects utilize 1, 2, and 3 inch planks) with lengths up to 12 feet and widths up to 12 inches. These wood planks are available in either unplanned or planed format.

Wood for moldings

Over 150 varieties of exotic and domestic wood planks for making moldings are available in assorted dimensions from 1 to 3 inches thick (typical molding projects utilize 1 inch planks) with lengths up to 12 feet and widths up to 12 inches. These wood planks are available in either unplanned or planed format.

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