
Ekki (Lophira alata)



Common names: Ekki, Azobe


Distribution: West Africa


Color/appearance: Heartwood is a dark reddish or violet brown. Pores contain light-colored mineral deposits which form small but conspicuous streaks throughout the wood. Sapwood is a pale pinkish white, with a gradual transition zone between the heartwood and sapwood.


Janka hardness: 3220 lbf


Density: 5.5 lb/b.f.



Radial (thickness): 8%

Tangential (width): 11.1%,

Volumetric (total): 18.3%,

T/R Ratio (width to depth): 1.4


Allergies/Toxicity: 1 Although severe reactions are quite uncommon, Ekki has been reported to cause skin irritation


Sustainability (listing):



IUCN:  YES; Vulnerable  [1]


Common Uses: Bridges, boat-building, marine applications, decking, and flooring.


[1] On the IUCN Red List. It is listed as endangered due to a population reduction of approximately 20% in the past three generations, caused by a decline in its natural range, and exploitation.



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