Black and White Ebony

BLACK AND WHITE EBONY  (Diospyros malabarica (syn. Diospyros embryopteris, D. peregrina)


Common Names : Black and White Ebony, Ébène strié, Pale Moon Ebony


Distribution:  Laos and southeast Asia


Color/Appearance : Heartwood is a pale straw color, with darker black streaks throughout; some pieces may be predominantly black rather than white. Sapwood is a paler white color, not always clearly defined.


 Janka hardness : 1780 lbf


Density : 4.25 lb/lbf


Shrinkage: 1

Radial (thickness): N/A

Tangential (width): N/A

Volumetric (total): N/A,

T/R Ratio (width to depth): N/A


Allergies/toxicity: Although severe reactions are quite uncommon, Ebony in the Diospyros genus has been reported as a sensitizer. Usually most common reactions simply include eye and skin irritation.


Controlled species : CITES : No, l’IUCN : No


Common uses : Turned objects, inlay, and other small wood projects.


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