Monkeypod (Albizia saman)
Common Names: Algarrobo, Algarrobo de pais, Arbre a pluie, Campano, Carabali, Carreto, Cenicero, Cow tamarind, Dormilon, French tamarind, Genizaro, Giant Tibet, Gouannegoul, Guango, Huacamayo chico, Lara, Monkey Pod, Raintree, Rain tree
Distribution: Central and South America. (Also planted/naturalized in many tropical regions of the world)
Color/Appearance: Color tends to be a golden to dark brown, sometimes with darker streaks. Sapwood is usually thin and yellow/white, clearly demarcated from the heartwood. Monkeypod is sometimes seen with highly figured curly or wild grain patterns.
Janka Hardness: 900 lbf
Density: 3.17 lb./b.f.
Allergies/Toxicity: 1 Although severe reactions are quite uncommon, Monkeypod wood dust has been reported as an eye irritant.
Sustainability: CITES: no, IUCN: no
Common Uses: Veneer, plywood, millwork/trim, carving, cabinetry, furniture, musical instruments (guitars and ukuleles) and other small specialty wood items.